What is our vision?


At Leapfrog Therapies our mission is to provide progressive and values driven therapy and support for children, young people and their families. By prioritising compassionate values and compiling a specialist team, we can offer forward thinking services that best meet the needs of our clients.

Who are we?

At Leapfrog Therapies our team consists of multidisciplinary consultant professionals and highly trained therapists and tutors. We are all dedicated to providing high-quality therapeutic and educational services. We are a diverse team of experts who bring a wide range of skills and perspectives to our work, whilst working together under the cohesive Leapfrog Therapies approach and values.

Our multidisciplinary team includes professionals from a variety of fields, including psychology, counselling, behaviour analysis, education, occupational therapy, play therapy, psychotherapy and speech and language therapy. We believe in a collaborative approach to care, and we work closely with each other to provide comprehensive and integrated services to our clients.

What are our values? 

  1. Promote quality of life.

Our services aim to promote the highest possible quality of life for each individual we work with. We understand that learning delays/disabilities and behaviours of concern can significantly impact a young person's ability to lead a fulfilling life, and our goal is to help our clients achieve their full potential. We focus on helping our clients develop skills and strategies to improve their communication, build positive relationships, and engage in activities that bring them joy and fulfillment.

2. Respect the right of freedom and consent.

We believe that every person has the right to make their own choices and decisions about their care, education and therapy. We respect the autonomy of our clients and involve them in the decision-making process to the extent that they are capable. We prioritise informed consent, and we work collaboratively with our clients and their families to develop treatment plans that put the child/young person first.

3. Use least restrictive strategies.

We believe in using the least restrictive strategies possible to support our clients' behaviour and learning. This means that we prioritise interventions that are minimally invasive and least likely to restrict a young person's freedom. We believe that children deserve the same protected rights as adults, and that physical interventions should only be used as a last resort or at the request of the child being supported.

4. Support the whole child/young person.

We believe in taking a holistic approach to therapy and education support. This means that we consider all aspects of a young person's life and well-being, including physical, emotional, social, and medical. We recognize that learning delays/disabilities and emotional/behavioural difficulties can be complex and multifaceted, and we work to address all relevant aspects of our clients' lives. We also prioritise family and school/nursery involvement to create the most supportive environment for the child.